Both of these monsters are from the game Silent Hill 2. This game was released in 2001, for the Playstation 2.
Lying Figure: the body looks as though it is trapped in a straitjacket, made of its own flesh. It has a feminine body shape, with platform shoes in the skin. When they are skittering around on the ground, they make a high-pitched noise that sounds like metal scraping against cement.
According to the guide Book of Lost Memories, this monster represents a hospital patient "squirming in agony". In Silent Hill 2, it seems to represent the main character's(James Sunderland) wife, Mary Shepherd-Sunderland. James killed Mary, because she had a terminal illness(also he was sexually frustrated about not being able to do the do with his wife) and she was in a lot of pain. Lying figures spit a poisonous acid at the player, suggestive of vomiting(illness). It could also be hinting at the hateful words Mary said to James during her illness. At some part in the game, when Mary was alive she'd said "I look like a monster!" insinuating that she thought she looked like a Lying Figure. The fact that the Figure's arms are restricted could be referencing James's disgruntlement from being unable to touch and hold Mary.
Mannequin: this body consists of a feminine torso, with two pairs of legs. The bottom pair is for walking, the top pair for fighting. There is a leotard made from flesh on the torso. According to Book of Lost Memories, this monster is a materialization of James's frustrations with his wife's illness. When the monster Pyramid Head is first shown, he is abusing two Mannequins. This could be implicating that these monsters resemble innocence and helplessness against a strong, masculine force.
James attacking a Lying Figure.
A Mannequin.
Friendo, why won't you tell me what YOU think about these things? WHY? WHY?