Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ricardo Irving

Things to remember: 
Tricella: pharmaceutical company. Funded Africa's branch of B.S.A.A. Participated on Bio-terrorism testing. 
B.S.A.A.:Bio-terrorism Security Assessment Alliance
SOA:Special Operations Agent

Ricardo Irving is only in one game, Resident Evil 5.

Irving was director of the oil facility for Tricell.
In 2006, Irving was contacted by the butler of one of Umbrella's founders to work with Tricell on a new virus. He agreed and began testing the fatal virus on local African tribes Sodibaya and Ndipaya. Some of the information from Tricell was leaked to the B.S.A.A. In 2009, Chris Redfield was sent to Africa to investigate Jill Valentine's three year-"disappearance". He was assigned to partner up with Sheva Alomar, a SOA. 

Chris and Sheva chased down Irving on their mission, eventually catching up to him in order to get answers about Jill's whereabouts. Irving injected himself with the virus, transforming himself into a giant aquatic monster. Sheva and Chris must fight the newly mutated Irving. After gunning him down for a while, he transfigures again, only this time smaller. He tells the two B.S.A.A. agents to continue to a cave, where there questions will be answered. He then dies and bubbles away into nothing. He was about 27 when he died.

Irving was a greedy and selfish man, only caring about money and power. Along with his Tricell job working with Excella Gionne and Albert Wesker, he sold bio-weapons on the black market.

I absolutely love Ricardo Irving. He is quite annoying, and he is sort of crazy. He has the most majestic New York/Brooklyn accent I've ever heard. He is a very obnoxious character, but I think it's his accent and his lines that draw me to him. Also he has a very unique and pretty face. 

Irving getting angry at the B.S.A.A. agents.

Yelling at Chris and Sheva.

Infected Irving.

I suggest that you click this link and listen for 0:15-0:27

1 comment:

  1. Pretty good post, although I would like to see you add to your evaluative assessment.
