Thursday, April 11, 2013

Chris Redfield pt. 1

Chris Redfield. Born in 1973(circa). He has made appearances in twelve of the RE games, and his character was also in one of the Resident Evil movies, Afterlife. He is an orphan, and his sister, Claire Redfield, is also in some of the RE games.
    When Chris was about 17, he joined the U.S. Air Force, where he served as a marksman and a pilot. He also trained in knife and hand-to-hand combat. After leaving the Air Force when he was about 23 or 24, he moved to Raccoon City, located in mid-west USA. He met up with an old comrade named Barry Burton, who told him to join a special police unit, called S.T.A.R.S. He was accepted and recruited into the Alpha Team.
    Alpha Team was sent to the Arklay Mountains(near Raccoon City) to look for the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team on July 24, 1998. After their helicopter landed, the Alpha Team was attacked by dogs, and one of the members was eaten alive. The other four members, Chris, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, and Albert Wesker(the team captain) ran to the abandoned, close-by mansion, which was full of zombies.
    The four were all separated, and Chris found a Bravo Team member who told him there was a traitor in S.T.A.R.S. He died after giving him that information. He later met up with another Bravo Team member, Rebecca Chambers. The night went on and he eventually found out that it was Umbrella Corporation(a pharmaceutical company)'s fault for the zombies and B.O.W.(Bio Organic Weapons, which included the mutant dogs, a giant snake, and many other creatures)s. He got to the labs and found out that their team leader, Albert Wesker, was the traitor. A B.O.W. supposedly killed Wesker, and Rebecca found a self destruct button for the mansion. Barry, Chris, Jill, and Rebecca got out of the mansion before it exploded.

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